Bunnings Warehouse is a part of the ongoing development of West Gate, includes 30,778sqm of retail space and will be the biggest in New Zealand when completed. The principal commercial frontage of the development, facing Te Oranui Way, is broken into different architectural elements including, in sequence from Fred Taylor Drive, a designated sculpture park, a decorative fence bordering the outdoor retail area, a glazed building housing a pedestrian ramp for customers between the basement and upper level, a landscaped entry plaza, the main double height glazed frontage entry building containing travellators, lifts and stair, followed by the vehicular entry/exit, landscaped garden and at the lowest level by independent retail tenancies of approximately 90 – 120m2 each. The main entry statement is designed to be transparent in nature with a tall glazed frontage enabling an outside view of customers moving up and down the travellators and staircase set close to exterior frontage. Glazed balustrade around the perimeter of the upper void and staircase, and a translucent roof above to throw down diffused natural light, further increase this sense of transparency perceived from the inside and out. The internal vehicular ramp is screened by decorative vertical louvers.
Bunnings Westgate